Tag: UTI

Do-It-Yourself uroflowmetry – A better way of collecting uroflow data.

A comparison of Do-It-Yourself uroflowmetry (DIY), e.g. an in-home uroflometry (uroflow), with traditional, in-clinic uroflowmetry.

Mombelli et al presented a study that compares home uroflowmetry to the traditional commonly used uroflow.

The assessment of urine flow rate dates back to the 1950s…
There is nothing new in Lower urinary tract symptoms, prostate volume and uroflow.

The title of the study: Free uroflowmetry versus “Do-It-Yourself” uroflowmetry in the assessment of patients with lower urinary tract symptoms.

To sum it up: together with the international Prostatic Symptom Score (IPSS), home uroflow is a good estimate of the results of uroflowmetry. In other words, it enables unnecessary hospital investigations to be avoided.

Read the full study at PubMed

How long does a uroflow take?

The procedure usually takes about half an hour. According to the availability in your region, the test is typically performed in a hospital or a physician’s office. Your doctor may ask you to repeat the process in case the results are not valid. In other words, you’ll have to drink until you fill your bladder, then wait a while and measure again.

Can a stopwatch and a liquid container replace the conventional uroflow machine? Mombelli et al published the paper in 2014, a few years have passed, and it seems that urologists still prefer precise data. Uroflow is no longer limited to only the hospitals and clinics that have the technology.

The stopwatch, DIY, method provides a very general idea of the bladder state. However, home uroflow is a better way to obtain (multiple) flow readings. To clarify, it has the potential to combat problems inherent to clinic-based flow tests.

Likewise, there are several studies that show the use of low cost home devices to measure flow rate. But there is no need to compromise where it comes to health or test accuracy. With iUFlow you can measure and monitor your urine flow at home and turn it into valuable data. The data helps doctors to easily diagnose and treat urinary tract conditions. The device is lightweight and portable. There is no need to touch or write down urination volume.

A flow test calculates the speed of urine flow over time.

Just place iUFlow device on the toilet bowl under the seat, make sure it’s stable with all 3 flaps touching the bowl. And that’s it. The next step is urinate into it and flush. It will quickly and accurately measure the flow and total volume.

The results will sync into your iPhone or Android. On your smartphone, turn on Bluetooth and start iUFlow app. In addition, your doctor can view the flow rate outcomes on their computer screen.

iUFlow clinician dahsboard

By viewing the dashboard, your doctor can now assess your treatment with real-time data and get constant feedback from your bladder. And to even monitor or determine the need for treatment. A great use of this valuable data is by comparison. For example, before and after drug like alpha blocker for instance in the case of BPH. Urine Flow Rate Detector or Home Uroflow can be valuable as well for the monitoring of other situations. For example, OAB, USD.

Further reading, Maximum Urine Flow Rate of Less than 15ml/Sec

What is the best Do-It-Yourself uroflowmetry? Some benefits of flow test @Home:

  • Use it anywhere, not just hospitals or clinics
  • Accuracy
  • Patients tested from home, saving travel time and expense
  • Paperless
  • Healthcare provider gets results directly
Shared with doctor

Is low Qmax value a sign of obstruction? Why is my urine stream weaker? do I need a bladder app?

How to get the test results of iUFlow? Does it measure volume and Qmax?

Both Volume and Qmax are recorded, of course. iUFlow syncs the result to iUFlow Voiding Diary app (free and on both Android® and Apple®). And the same for iUFlow dashboard. So, your physician can interpret the results even at the same moment that the measurement takes place.

Contact us for more information. Or with any question about interpretation of your test results.

Learn more about iUFlow

How to read Uroflow results?

What is Uroflow?

Uroflow vs. Uroflowmeter vs. Uroflowmetry vs. ?

Firstly, yes it is a bit confusing. But, these are all the same. Uroflowmetry is a diagnostic assessment of the urinary tract functionality. Your Urologist or physical therapist suggest performing a uroflow test, in case they suspect that you are suffering while urinating, or have a weak flow rate (stream).

Uroflow, or Uroflowmetry is a test to measure the flow (rate) of micturition. During the test, the uroflow device, a Uroflowmeter, tracks urine flow in mL/sec. It reports Urination volume, meaning, how much urine flows out. It is that simple. Urination Time in seconds, means, How long it takes to urinate.

boy urine flow rate

Interpretation of uroflowmetry results

What is Qmax?

While we measure the total volume of the urination is in mL (milliliter), the flow rate is measured in mL/second, and the Qmax is the value of the highest flow rate measured during the test. In other words, Qmax is the fastest stream measured in mL/s.

Weak flow = Low Qmax

Slow urination speed = Low Qmax

Flat urination chart = Low Qmax

What is Qmax illustration of Uroflow results

The image above shows a curve with a changing flow to illustrate TQmax, Flow time and Qmax values. If you identify a high Qmax, it is unlikely to be a curve from someone with a blockage or obstruction of the urinary tract and weak flow.

Low Qmax value is commonly a sign of obstruction. It is a common symptom of BPH. In men – Benign prostatic hypertrophy. Enlargement of the prostate gland, or block of the urethra. Also, it can point to another abnormality related to the Lower Urinary Tract.

QmaxInterpretation *
is higher than 15ml/secNormal
is lower than 10ml/secObstruction or weak detrusor
General ‘rule of thumb’ interpretation. Please advise your doctor.

Can you describe the normal flow rate of urine?

Visually it is a bell-shape-like chart. During normal voiding, the initial stream starts slowly. It accelerates until the bladder is almost empty. The flow then slows until the bladder is empty. In patients with a urinary tract obstruction, this pattern of urine flow is changed, and increases and decreases more slowly.

Normal Flow rate illustration (tap)
Practical uroflowmetry Common patterns
Practical uroflowmetry BJUI (Thomas R. Jarvis, Lewis Chan, Vincent Tse, 2012)

How exactly is a urine flow test performed?

In a clinic, with the conventional method, a nurse will ask you to urinate into a funnel-shaped container placed on a scale-like electronic device. It is important to know that you can not put any toilet paper in the toilet or device.

After your bladder is full, you’ll need to pee normally without manipulating the speed. A conventional electric uroflowmeter hooked up to the toilet record the flow rate and quantity of urination. And of course, never urinate until the machine is on and ready.

Conventional in-clinic Uroflow
Conventional in-clinic Uroflow

Then, when you’ve finished the machine will send or print your results to your doctor. The uroflow test can help the doctor in identifying the causes of urinary difficulties.

iUFlow Uroflowmeter vs. in clinic Uroflow

As you may noticed, this is normally a bother, iUFlow Uroflowmeter is the solution to get more accurate data about your bladder behavior.

iUFlow is a wireless and disposable uroflowmeter

iUFlow is a uroflowmeter for home use. iUFlow uses built-in sensors to easily and objectively measure volume, flow rates and frequency of a patient’s voiding activities during a prescribed interval. An easy urine Uroflowmetry test at home.

iUFlow uroflowmeter at home

Yes, iUFlow was designed to make life easier. iUFlow was built especially for those who suffer from BPH, Overactive bladder, Nocturia, Pelvic floor related issues, or other LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms).

How do I get the measurements results of iUFlow? Can it measure Qmax and Volume?

Of course, the iUFlow Uroflowmeter syncs the result in real-time to the iUFlow Bladder Diary app (free and supported on both Android® and Apple® platforms) and iUFlow dashboard. So, your doctor can interpret the result at the same moment that the measurement is completed and bladder data is synced.

iUFlow portal
iUFlow dashboard

Feel free to contact us for more information regarding iUFlow or if you have any question about interpretation of uroflowmetry results.

4.9⭐ “I have been suffering from repeat UTIs and the doctor wanted me to monitor my urination frequency. So far, its been simply and easy to use and the data chart is great.”

Weak Urine Flow? a sign of BPH for men, or Cystocele? Better approach

Slow starting or problems with keeping a steady flow stream affect women and men.

The common cause of weak urine flow in men is BPH. BPH is Benign prostatic hyperplasia. In many cases, weak stream is a symptom of a bladder that isn’t emptying normally. In the case of BPH, the enlarged prostate causing a partial block of the tube that carries urine out of the penis (the Urethra). A ‘slow’ Uroflowmetry chart (Qmax) is commonly a clear sign. It is a visualization of a weak urine flow rate.

Weak urine flow ratelow Qmax
Slow urination low Qmax

Weak Urine Flow, slow flow rate? Let’s talk about that

Unstressed muscles can cause the bladder to not fully discharge. Suffering from a disease related to the nervous system? For example: Parkinson’s or MS (Multiple Sclerosis) the risk is higher for bladder and urination issues.

iUFlow BPH description

Bladder Prolapse

For women, bladder prolapse, or cystocele, is the main cause for urination flow issues. The bladder leaks and bulges through the pelvic floor muscles into the vagina.

Other bladder related situations can point to incontinence, overactive bladder (OAB), UTI and kidney malfunctioning.

If you’re suffering from symptoms like: painful urination, cloudy urine or blood in your urine > these are clearly a sign to call for help.

Your Urologist or Physical therapist in clinic will likely be interested to get objective data about your bladder behavior – in the form of a bladder diary and Uroflow test. With the iUFlow device and app, you can come prepared and provide both accurately. This can make the diagnosis process to be much shorter and more precise.

iUFlow Urge Leakeage
Urination – difficulty with flow

Why is my urine stream not as strong?

Go with the Flow:

Check out the iUFlow app and get an iUFlow PRO urine flow monitoring device

iUFlow app
  1. Track your bladder with the iUFlow app and iUFlow PRO urine flow monitoring device.
  2. Be active. Physical activity can prevent you from retaining urine.
  3. Kegel exercises.

How to utilize Home Uroflow in practice? Learn from Dr Delaney

Remote diagnosis and management of patients with Overactive bladder (OAB)

Utilizing iUFlow Home Uroflow.

iUFLow Urolfowmetery Dashboard results clinic view

Remote diagnosis and management of patients with Overactive bladder (OAB)

How to utilize iUFlow Home Uroflow?

Learn how a busy Sydney clinic is utilising a remote bladder monitoring platform (iUFlow home Uroflowmeter) for diagnosing and managing patients with overactive bladder. The webinar will show what iUFlow is, how it’s being used by Dr Danielle Delaney and how it can improve clinical care.

Dr Delaney specializes in General Urology including Functional Urology,
Stones, Endoscopic surgery, Urodynamics and Paediatric Urology.
North Shore Private Hospital, Castlecrag Private Hospital.

How a busy Sydney clinic is utilizing the iUFlow remote bladder monitoring platform (iUFlow home Uroflow) for managing patients with overactive bladder. The webinar was presenting what iUFlow urine flow meter is, how it’s being used by Dr Danielle Delaney’s clinic in Sydney and how iUFlow can improve clinical care.

Dr Delaney specializes in General Urology including Functional Urology,
Stones, Endoscopic surgery, Urodynamics and Paediatric Urology.
North Shore Private Hospital, Castlecrag Private Hospital.
Dr Delaney’s clinic address:
6 Carter St, Cammeray NSW 2062 Sydney, Australia
View Address

Doctor using iUFlow Uroflowmeter in practice

iUFlow dashboard – a remote management platform Utilizing Home Uroflow in a Sydney clinic

How PT and Urologists get real-time data on their patients’ progress.

Dr. Delaney’s lecture scripted:

All condition associated with LUTS need a Bladder Diary.

Any condition associated with lower urinary tract symptoms needs a bladder diary. What I’ve found with the iUFlow is that: normally, where compliance with the bladder diary is less than 50%. And that’s less than 50% of people actually even make any attempt.

Only < 10% would actually do an accurate Bladder Diary

But you know, I’d say, probably really less than 10% would actually do an accurate Bladder Diary in terms of everything they’ve drunk and everything they’ve peed in a 72-hour period. With iUFlow, I’m finding the compliance rate, for at least voided volumes is well over 50%. Like it’s probably close to 90% and then a lot of them are putting in all their fluids and their bowel function. So I’m finding that the accuracy of the data we’re getting is so much better. The patients find it really, really, easy to use. Because they don’t need to measure anything. They don’t really need to clean anything. And from my point of view, the reliability of the data and the compliance is much better.

I use it as a diagnostic tool

I use it for a lot of feedback as a diagnostic tool. It really improves diagnosis. Because we’re also getting them to void in their normal situation. So we’re getting a lot of that artifact that trying to get patients set up for a flow in the office. You know how they come in with a full bladder, and they’re not too urgent that the flow machine is actually ready for them to go at the right time. So we really get, superb quality data. We get the quantitative assessment of the volume and flow. And so I really think it gives me accuracy of diagnosis.

The amount of data you get over a week, might seem excessive initially. But once you get used to reading the report, really you can read it in less than a minute. And get a great picture of what’s going on.

Dr Danielle Delaney How to get

Utilizing iUFlow Home Uroflow meter in your practice

Contact us and get more info on the iUFlow healthcare provider program

What is iUFlow Home Uroflowmeter? Learn more