Is Uroflowmetry on the clinical guidelines (also referred by uroflow or urine flow test)?
Clinical guidelines and CPT code for Uroflow test. Urine flow test is an assessment of the urinary tract functionality. It is the main diagnostic tool for Lower Urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
Urine Flow Test appears on the following clinical guidelines: Adult Urodynamics: AUA/SUFU Guideline (2012)
“Uroflow may be used by clinicians in the initial and ongoing evaluation of male patients with LUTS when an abnormality of voiding/emptying is suggested.
Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), which include urinary incontinence, frequency of urination, urge to urinate and getting up at night (nocturia)
are a common and significant source of impaired quality of life and comorbidity in large numbers of adults and children.
Uroflowmetry is the measurement of the rate of urine flow over time.
Patients with various constellations of LUTS may undergo PVR or uroflow testing as non-invasive methods to screen for disorders of bladder emptying
When utilizing uroflowmetry as a screening assessment of emptying, the volume voided is vitally important. Voided volumes of at least 150 ml have been reported to be necessary for the “accuracy” of the study.”
Uroflowmetry test is shown also in the following clinical guidelines: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Surgical Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (2018, amended 2019, 2020):
Clinicians should consider uroflowmetry prior to surgical intervention for LUTS attributed to

Uroflow, or Uroflowmetry is a test to measure the flow (rate) of micturition. During the test, the uroflow device, a Uroflowmeter, tracks urine flow in mL/sec. It reports Urination volume, meaning, how much urine flows out. It is that simple. Urination Time in seconds, means, How long it takes to urinate.
Uroflow CPT Code
The Urine flow test – CPT Code is: 51741
The test can be performed by an assistant or nurse.
An example of per patient calculation according to Laborie. If Doctor performs also Complex CMG with Voiding Pressure Study, and EMG, and Voiding Pressure Test. For instance:
Complex CMG with Voiding Pressure Study | 51728 | $327.60 @ 100% |
Uroflow | 51741-51 | $16.15 @ 50% |
EMG | 51784-51 | $71.28 @ 50% |
Voiding Pressure Test | 51797* | $116.64 @ 100% |
iUFlow Home Uroflow vs. in clinic Uroflowmeter
As you already know, this is normally a bother. iUFlow Uroflowmeter is the solution to get more accurate data about your bladder behavior.
iUFlow is a wireless and disposable Uroflowmeter
iUFlow is a Uroflowmeter for home use. iUFlow uses built-in sensors to objectively measure volume, multi flow rates and frequency of a patient’s voiding activities during a prescribed interval. An easy urine Uroflowmetry test at home.

Yes, iUFlow was designed to make your patients’ life easier. iUFlow was built especially for patients who suffer from BPH, Overactive bladder, Nocturia, Pelvic floor related issues, or other LUTS.
How to Report Home Uroflow? What is the CPT code?
Can I bill for interpretation of home tests?
There was a discussion on that in the AUAnet blogs. It seems reasonable to choose CPT 51741 with modifier 26 one or two times. But, there is a risk that insurers deny reporting of a single CPT multiple times in one day. As an alternative, if you are receiving a series of tests and that takes more than 30 mins of clinician time. That is including discussing the results with the patient, then you should consider using CPT code 99091.
How to bill for remote uroflow?
To clarify, practice can not bill for both the uroflow interpretation (51741-26) and collection and interpretation (99091) on the same patient same day. Alternatively, one can have the patient bring in the results of their uroflow tests and use it as part of the “data” section for medical decision for a follow-up management visit.
Read more on 51741 cpt code and Home Uroflow codes and billing at AUAnet.

How a busy Sydney practice is utilizing iUFlow Uroflowmeter and dashboard.
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