bladder diary is like a friend, A silent companion that never ends

A bladder diary is like a friend, A silent companion that never ends.
It provides understanding and insight, Helps you recognize and fight.
It’s the most important tool you can have, To chart your symptoms and the triggers that gave.
It’s the record of your progress, And the road to recovery, no less.

It’s a way to understand your body, The things that make you feel shoddy. It helps you connect the dots, And track your leaks and spots. It’s a way to identify patterns, And figure out what makes you tense. It’s a great way to find the source, Of your symptoms and the course. It’s a way to stay on top, Of your bladder health, no flop.

It helps you track the amount of fluid, And the type that’s best suited. It’s a way to stay in control, Of your health and your soul. It’s a way to manage stress, And understand what’s best.

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