*Your Uroflowmeter device number is written on the iUFlow Box and on the back side of the iUFlow sensor. For example: B0-890
How to read urine flow chart? What is a normal uroflow chart? How to measure urine flow rate at home? Uroflowmetry test cost?
We will be glad to answer your questions. Feel free to contact the iUFlow team. Similarly, you are welcome to check the following pages:
Meanwhile, learn more on iUFlow Uroflowmetry test. How it can help in the following situations. For instance: BPH, Obstruction issues, Nocturia, Overactive bladder. And other bladder situations. For example: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, renal and kidney related issues. Above all, a detailed bladder diary may be important and useful. To sum up, iUFlow bladder data is a game changer. In other words, monitoring is crucial for health issues related to: kidneys, sleep behaviors, the cardiovascular system, prostate enlargement, urinary incontinence, and Lower Urinary Tract symptoms (LUTS).
iUFlow Uroflowmeter works together with the iUFlow app. To clarify, iUFlow app is a fully automated voiding diary (bladder) and stool diary. Certainly, the easiest modern way to log and track toilet trips. In other words, a complete iUFlow Bladder behavior report should include data on: micturition and bowel movement, drinks and urine flow rate. To sum up, provide data to your physician for making a better diagnosis and treatment.